It is said that crocodiles and alligators snouts are even more touch-sensitive than a human fingertip.
They have tiny raised black spots/domes on their heads, mostly along the jaw, inside their mouths and between their teeth.
“Croc dots” can detect ripples from even a single drop of water. These domes are what the mothers use to sense the babies when helping them out of their shells.
Crocodiles have a longer more “V” shaped head and have these little black bumps all over their bodies Alligators have a more rounded ”U” shaped head and only have these little black bumps on their snouts.
Did you know that a crocodile is more aggressive than an alligator and their fourth tooth sticks out when they close their mouths?
Crocodiles & Alligators have a pouch in their throats (gular) which can block water and allow them to eat under water.
Alligators & Crocodiles are one of the oldest & most successful predators.
Researchers found a skull of one of the largest crocodiles which was discovered in Texas, it measured over 2m in length.
Based on its skull the Deinosuchus/ “terrible crocodile” was an enormous creature that according to researchers measured up to 15m in length and was large enough to eat most dinosaurs.