Is Shale Gas the answer?
Shale gasses are natural gasses that are formed due to being trapped within shale formations. Shale is finely grained clastic sedimentary rock which is composed of mud formed by flakes of clay and tiny bits of other minerals (Quartz & Calcite).
Shale gas is seen as the worlds next big power source that could help South Africa with its dependency on electricity production. The US Energy information administration believes that 485 – trillion cubic ft of gas lies approximately 4km below the surface of the Karoo.
It is said that a lot more information and proof is needed before any exploration may proceed but as soon as they receive positive feedback all five of the companies that have applied in 2010 will be granted the permits, while working with interest groups like Square Kilometer Array Radio Telescope to ensure no negative impacts will occur that cannot be managed.
These companies that have applied for the rights will receive permission to go ahead with hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is the increase of fractures in a rock layer that is caused by pressurized fluid. By giving these companies the “go ahead” we can great a greener environment and make the dreams of gas-fired power a reality. Shale gas has a much lower carbon emission making it much cheaper and friendlier to the environment but could take up to 9 years to process.
Shale gas requires a lot of scarce skills from all around and a lot of deep drilling in order to extract it which could make shale gas uncompetitive.
Sasol has decided to build their own gas-fired plant and are in the final stages of constructing a 140MW gas-fired plant which will be supplied with gas from Mozambique. This will create a market and put a limit on the prices for gas unfortunately with this head start it could make it much harder for shale gas to compete.
The question is “ Will shale gas be the answer to our problems?”