Friday, September 19, 2014

Top 10 inspirational Leaders

Some of the most charismatic and inspiring role models in the world come from humble beginnings. We look up to them because they show us that we can do better, and even against adversity, we can accomplish what we set our minds to. When it comes to the most notable among them, we tend to idolize them for all they have accomplished, and we attempt to emulate them in any way possible. Here are 10 of the most accomplished and noteworthy Leaders in the world, living or dead, that have revolutionized the way we see the world.

1.    Nelson Mandela

Perhaps the one person who will inevitably take the top spot on anyones list of inspirational people, the late father of South Africa, affectionately known as Tata Madiba, is known across the globe as one of the most steadfast figures who, right up to the time of his passing, embodied the ideals of reconciliation, peace and love. The first democratically elected President of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Nelson Mandela, has helped millions of people keep their dreams alive going forward into the 21st century.

2.    Jeff Bezos

While not many people unfamiliar with the tech and online retail industries will know his name, Bezos is undoubtedly one of the most innovative and successful entrepreneurs and businessmen in the world. In 2013 he bought The Washington Post, one of the worlds leading newspapers, for $250 million, and his company Amazon (best known as being the leading Online retail marketplace in the world) is innovating in more ways than one, with new tests underway that would allow the use of unmanned drones to deliver packages within as little as 30 minutes.

3.    Barrack Obama

A man who needs no real introduction, now having served two terms as the 44th President of the United States of America (and as a result, taking his place in history as the leader of the free `became a Harvard educated lawyer, and has won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the War in Iraq after his election as President.

4.    Larry Page and Sergey Brin

The two men behind what is now one of the most widely used and daily recognized companies in the world (weve literally called the act of searching for information online Googling), and have managed to continue to innovate and maintain their place atop the ever changing tech landscape, despite being a relatively old company. The company that brought us the most trusted search engine in the world, as well as one of the most widely used mobile operating systems is even expanding its product range into high speed Internet access and its crazy sounding Project Loon, which would launch Internet connected balloons into areas with low connectivity to bring Internet access to those without advanced infrastructure.

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